Saturday 14 March 2015

ELC 150: The Open Window by Saki aka Hector Munro


Question 1

What are the moral values that you have learnt from the short story?

The moral values that i have learnt from this short stories is we need to help each other if they have any problem. This moral value can be seen by Framton. He willing to treat Vera's aunt, Mrs Sappleton from madness. Next moral value is loving.  This moral value can be proved by Mrs. Sappleton. She love her husband and her two brothers so much and keep the window open so they will came in just like they used to do. 

Question 2

Who is your favourite character in the short story. Provide reasons for your answer.

My favourite character in this short stories is Vera,The character that be my favourite is Vera,of course, is the storyteller without equal, who is quickly able to seize on details and weave convincing tales to horrific effect.Note how she dominates the story - it begins with her words and ends with them. We are told in the first sentence that she is "a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen". It is clear that she sees in Framton Nuttel an object for one of her stories, as she is quick to establish that he knows nobody from the area and thus she is free to use her excellent wit and intelligence to create a fable that will shock Framton Nuttel for her own amusement. She shows herself to be an excellent actor as well as a storyteller. She is not only creative, but quick, intelligent and able to fool others into believing her words. This is demonstrated yet again at the end of the tale when, nonchalantly, she creates another tale to explain Framton Nuttel's swift escape from the house to trick her family, telling the tale "calmly" with complete equanimity. Clearly this tale celebrates the power that a good storyteller can have over a susceptible audience, with Vera presented as the master storyteller, and everyone else her ignorant and naive victims.

Question 3.
Provide an alternate ending to the short story.

The post escape of Mr Nuttel.

 As i saw the ghost approaching, i was frighten immensely. So i decided to run out of there as  fast as possible. I got in my car and rushed away from that place but when i i got on the road I  ended up running into a large tree. Luckily, the men who i thought were ghosts really were  living men and saved me from the flaming car.

The Heart Condition.

Mr. Nuttel was scared so much by the sight of these "ghosts" he fainted right there on the spot. Vera then made up a story that he said he had a heart condition that sometimes causes him to go unconscious, and they only way to wake him up was to pour water over him. So that's what they did. Vera thought it was hilarious but in the end when Mr. Nuttel was awake he told them her little fib and for the rest of his stay there she had to wait on him hand and foot Vera learned she isn't as clever as she thought she was.

A Solid Mistake.

As the misty apparations came into view, Mr. Nuttel filled with fear, ran for his life. at the very moment he turned and began to run, the door swung open and hit him square on his pointy nose. It was Vera's little brother. He was very excited, for he had just leaned to tie his shoe. Meanwhile Mr. Nuttel had been knocked unconcious. Billy, Vera's little brother, began too cry as he relized what he had done. Quickly, Vera's aunt ran to the medicine cabinet to fetch some sniffing salts. When they reived Mr. Nuttel, he was offered a full weekend stay at the inn for free, but being so shaken from the frightful events, he decided to decline and just ride the bus home. He hoped maybe that would go a little bit smoother.


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