Sunday 22 March 2015



Based on the novel that i have read is The Ashley Project by Melissa De La Cruz.  This novel is about three girls that really love fashion. The three girls are Ashley Li (Lilli), Ashley Alioto (A.A.) and Ashley. They are all rich, fashion forward, and the envy of the rest of the girls at the Miss Gambles Preparatory Academy. They also known as  the queen bees of Miss Gambles Preparatory School for Girls. They have it all.  they’re rich, gorgeous, impeccably fashion forward, and everyone wants to be them.  Ashley Li (Lilli) seems to be gifted at whatever she attempts. And then there's Lauren Page. Former loser, she’s changed her ways now that her father’s company went public last month. Lauren’s upgraded to a mansion in Pacific Heights with a view of the marina and a Bentley with a driver named Thomas. Last year she was a nobody, but this year is going to be totally different. Lauren’s gone from geek to goddess, bargain-basement cast-offs to off-the runway couture and she’s had enough of the current regime. Her parents tried, but they got it wrong. Her name is Lauren, but she’s so obviously an Ashley.

Saturday 14 March 2015

ELC 150: The Open Window by Saki aka Hector Munro


Question 1

What are the moral values that you have learnt from the short story?

The moral values that i have learnt from this short stories is we need to help each other if they have any problem. This moral value can be seen by Framton. He willing to treat Vera's aunt, Mrs Sappleton from madness. Next moral value is loving.  This moral value can be proved by Mrs. Sappleton. She love her husband and her two brothers so much and keep the window open so they will came in just like they used to do. 

Question 2

Who is your favourite character in the short story. Provide reasons for your answer.

My favourite character in this short stories is Vera,The character that be my favourite is Vera,of course, is the storyteller without equal, who is quickly able to seize on details and weave convincing tales to horrific effect.Note how she dominates the story - it begins with her words and ends with them. We are told in the first sentence that she is "a very self-possessed young lady of fifteen". It is clear that she sees in Framton Nuttel an object for one of her stories, as she is quick to establish that he knows nobody from the area and thus she is free to use her excellent wit and intelligence to create a fable that will shock Framton Nuttel for her own amusement. She shows herself to be an excellent actor as well as a storyteller. She is not only creative, but quick, intelligent and able to fool others into believing her words. This is demonstrated yet again at the end of the tale when, nonchalantly, she creates another tale to explain Framton Nuttel's swift escape from the house to trick her family, telling the tale "calmly" with complete equanimity. Clearly this tale celebrates the power that a good storyteller can have over a susceptible audience, with Vera presented as the master storyteller, and everyone else her ignorant and naive victims.

Question 3.
Provide an alternate ending to the short story.

The post escape of Mr Nuttel.

 As i saw the ghost approaching, i was frighten immensely. So i decided to run out of there as  fast as possible. I got in my car and rushed away from that place but when i i got on the road I  ended up running into a large tree. Luckily, the men who i thought were ghosts really were  living men and saved me from the flaming car.

The Heart Condition.

Mr. Nuttel was scared so much by the sight of these "ghosts" he fainted right there on the spot. Vera then made up a story that he said he had a heart condition that sometimes causes him to go unconscious, and they only way to wake him up was to pour water over him. So that's what they did. Vera thought it was hilarious but in the end when Mr. Nuttel was awake he told them her little fib and for the rest of his stay there she had to wait on him hand and foot Vera learned she isn't as clever as she thought she was.

A Solid Mistake.

As the misty apparations came into view, Mr. Nuttel filled with fear, ran for his life. at the very moment he turned and began to run, the door swung open and hit him square on his pointy nose. It was Vera's little brother. He was very excited, for he had just leaned to tie his shoe. Meanwhile Mr. Nuttel had been knocked unconcious. Billy, Vera's little brother, began too cry as he relized what he had done. Quickly, Vera's aunt ran to the medicine cabinet to fetch some sniffing salts. When they reived Mr. Nuttel, he was offered a full weekend stay at the inn for free, but being so shaken from the frightful events, he decided to decline and just ride the bus home. He hoped maybe that would go a little bit smoother.




Question 1

What is your opinion about the topic that has been discussed in this short story?

This story is about all woman wants to be beautiful as she saw another woman more beautiful than her.Western preference for glowing golden tan is exactly reversed in much of the east.In Vietnam every woman swooned over an ivory complexion and went to what seemed to absurd length in pursuit of one of themselves.Vietnam people admiration this curios genetic discrepancy.They are really take care of their health to look more beautiful.They also ask the tourist what kind of special diet they was on to maintain such a complexion.Sunscreen is expensive,so proper Vietnamese girls solve the problem of protecting themselves from UV rays by wearing an assortment of covering,including hats.gloves and face-mask that makes them look like motorbike-driving,cellphone-chatting ninjas.In addition,Vietnamese girls go to spas for whitening.This is very interesting story.People always desire what is expensive and difficult to maintain.

Question 2

Do you think the writer enjoys having white complexion? 

Yes, because the author has received many of praise from many people while she was in Vietnam.  The author is also very take care of her skin.  For example, she use a sunblock and lotion before going out from the hotel while she is in Vietnam to protect her skin from sunlight.  She also advice to those girl who was live in Vietnam to wear a masks, gloves, hat and glasses.

Question 3

What do you understand from the phrase ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’?

Different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.  But in my opinion, we should take it is a positive thing, especially for woman who have a skin problems and face problems.  A woman have to take care of their skin with carefully and properly because to be a woman who always seemed pretty and white, we should follow the right guideline.  We also should use a suitable product with our skin.  Do not use too much product because this is can be harmful to our health.  Besides, we must always make exercises at our face and body to have a beautiful body.  Lastly, we must also prefer the traditional ways as a part of our skin care.  If we can practice all of this, our skin will look more beautiful and white and this is can make everyone will be impressed when they see us.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

ELC 150: Twelve and Not Stupid by Zuraidah Omar


Question 1.
If you were 'I' in the story, what would you think of the relationship between Papa and Auntie May? Provide some reason.

If I were 'I' in the story Twelve and Not Stupid, I will think of so many negative thinking about Papa and Auntie May relationship. I will think that both of them having an affair without Mama knowing about it.  At first, I thought she was Papa or Mama friend because I was surprised when she know my name. Auntie May is not Papa client, schoolmate, or officemate because I never meet her before. Also Papa and Mama never talked about Auntie May as their friend or someone that they know. I predict that Auntie May is Papa girlfriend or scandals. Plus, with Papa good looking face, thick wavy hair and always dresses smartly, who will not fall in love with him. Furthermore, the most unexpected part in this story is when Papa asked me to lie to Mama about why we are late coming home that day. Plus, Papa use a lower voice when he talked with Auntie May while I was sitting at the back seat in the car.

Question 2.
Do you like the story in general? Why?

In general I do not like the story Twelve and Not Stupid. The reason why is the plot of the story is not fun or interesting enough for me to enjoy reading it. The story flow is too complicated for me to understand and I have to read it twice. Also the story is boring generally. The characters is not interesting especially Sasha’s Mama who appeared for only a few times. The writer should make Mama character more interesting. Also at the end of the story appeared a little boy name Kassim. I want to know more about that little boy but his part are only for short term. Plus, the ending does not amazed me at all. The part when Sasha’s Mama turn her head to Sasha and lifted one of her eyebrows in a question marked was confusing me. I wonder about what does Sasha’s Mama mean by it and why. What does the lifted eyebrows mean?

Question 3.
Imagine that you are going to film this short story. Describe the film in terms of the choice of actress/actresses, scenes and place. Provide some reasons to your description. 

If I am going to film this short story, in terms of choice of actress or actresses, I will choose Aaron Aziz as Papa. His acting are amazing and I think this character suit for his personality. He is also an attractive man just like Papa character in the short story. As for actress, I choose Nora Danish as Mama because she polite, soft spoken and she can act as Mama character perfectly and she can express the love of the mother to her family excellently of the mother for 12 years old girl. As for Auntie May, I choose Intan Lidyana to play Auntie May character because in the story, Auntie May is describe that her skin is fair and she is Chinese. Intan Lidyana are mixed chinese so her face look like chinese and suit with Auntie May character. As for Sasha character, I choose Balqis because in the story, Sasha looks like an innocent kid but have a wide imagination inside her head. Next is the place that I want to film the short story. I choose somewhere that looks modest but modern like Kuala Lumpur because Kuala Lumpur is busy and modern town same as the scenery in the short story.